The Gorgon Barrow Island Net Conservation Benefits Advisory Board reviews all funding proposals, oversees the management of the fund (which is administered by the WA Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions), recommends new projects to the Minister for Environment, and recommends budgets for established projects based on their reported progress. The Minister appoints three members to the Advisory Board and also appoints deputy members who can act when a Board member is unavailable.
Previous Board members have included Dr Andrew Burbidge AO, appointed as the original Chair in 2006 through his retirment from the role in 2021; Mr Brian Wills-Johnson M.Phil, a foundation member appointed in 2006 until his retirement in 2022 and Prof. Nigel deBussy, appointed as a deputy member in 2011 until his retirement in 2022. Previous nominated members from the Gorgon Joint Venture have included Mr Russell Lagdon (2006-2018), and Mr Johann van der Merwe (2018-2021).